
1. Devise for Impulse Stamping of Sheet Iron, No 584457, (1972).

2. Shock Piston Plant, No 811981, (1980).

3. Hydrodynamic Shock Pipe, No 883686, (1980).

4. Method of Producing Coke from of Heavy Carbon-Hydrogen Raw Material, No 808521, (1980).

5. Safety Device, No 866319, (1981).

6. Safety Device for Pipe-Lines, No 922400, (1981).

7. Method of Measurement of Liquid Characteristics, No 996931, (1982).

8. Method of Controlling Gas-Vapor Content in Liquid, No 1079048, (1984).

9. Powder Fire-Extinguisher, No 115245, (1985).

10. Method of Producing Petroleum Coke, No 1160977, (1985).

11. Contact Element, No 1223988, (1985).

12. Method of Coal Transport No 1425151, (1988)

13. Method of Ice, Gas-hydrate and Paraffin Plugs Removal in Exhaust Tubes of Wells and Pipelines. No 4800198, (1990).

14. Method of Liquidation of Ice, Hydrate and Hydrate-Paraffin Plugs in Wells, No 1739011, (1992).

15. Method of Measurement of Gas or Vapor Void Fraction in a Fluid Flow, (1994)

16. A Non-periodically Forced Bubble Fusion Reactor, Patent H26-040 US (1995).


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Course of lectures of Academician RI Nigmatulin "Fundamentals of continuum mechanics" for students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University


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