
1. Nigmatulin R.I., "A Strong Plane Explosion on the Boundary of Two Ideal Calorically Perfect Gases" (Ploskiy Silniy Vzriv...), Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Mathem. Mech., No. 2, p.1, 1965.

2. Nigmatulin R.I., "Cumulating Cylindrical and Spherical Detonation Waves" (Skhodyaschiesya Tsilindricheskiye...), Prikladnaya Matematika i Mechanika (PMM) (Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Soviet Research), Vol. 31, No. 2, 1967.

3. Nigmatulin R.I., "Hydrodynamics Equation and Compression Wave in Poly-velocity Continuum with Phase Transitions" (Uravneniye Gidromekhaniki...), Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza (MZG) (Fluid Dynamics, Soviet Research), No. 5, 1967.

4. Nigmatulin R.I., "On some Problems of Hydromechanics of Two-Phase Polydispersed Systems" (Nekotoriye Voprosi Gidrodinamiki...), Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza (MZG) (Fluid Dynamics, Soviet Research), No. 3, 1968.

5. Nigmatulin R.I., "Some Equations of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics for Two-Temperature and Two-Velocity Gas with Phase Transitions" (Nekotoriye Sootnosheniya...), Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza (MZG) (Fluid Dynamics, Soviet Research), No.5, 1968.

6. Nigmatulin R.I., "On the Problem of Compression Wave in Two-Phase Media" (K Voprosu o Volnakh..), Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Mathem. Mech., No.4, 1969.

7. Nigmatulin R.I., "The Structure of Shock Wave in Two-Velocity and Two-Temperature Solid Medium with Particles" (Struktura Udarnogo Fronta..), In Rasprostranenie Uprugo Plasticheskikh Voln, FAN, Tashkent, 1969.

8. Nigmatulin R.I., "The Model of Flow and Shock Waves in Two-Phase Solids with Phase Transitions" (Model Dvizheniya...), Prikladnaya Mechanika i Tekhnicheskaya Fizika (PMTF) (Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, Soviet Research), No.1, 1970.

9. Nigmatulin R.I., and Nikolaevskiy V.N., "Vortex Diffusion and Conservation of Momentum in Dynamics of Non-Polar Fluids" (Diffuziya Vikhrya...), Prikladnaya Matematika i Mechanika (PMM) (Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Soviet Research), Vol. 34, No. 2, 1970.

10. Nigmatulin R.I., "On A. Green and P. Naghdi Theory of Mixtures" (K Teorii Smesey...), Prikladnaya Mechanika i Tekhnicheskaya Fizika (PMTF) (Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, Soviet Research), No. 3, 1970.

11. Nigmatulin R.I., and Ivandayev A.I., "The Peculiarity of Weak Perturbation Propagation in Two-Phase Media with Phase Transitions" (Osobennosti Rasprostraneniya...), Prikladnaya Mechanika i Tekhnicheskaya Fizika (PMTF) (Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, Soviet Research), No. 5, 1970.

12. Nigmatulin R.I., and Vainshtein P.B., "On Hydrodynamics of Gas Suspensions Combustion" (K Gidrodinamike Goreniya...), Proc. of X All-Union Conference on Actual Problems of Vaporization, Combustion and Gas Dynamics of Dispersed Systems, 1970.

13. Nigmatulin R.I., "Continuum Mechanics Methods for a Description of Multi-Phase Mixtures" (Metodi Mekhaniki...), Prikladnaya Matematika i Mechanika (PMM) (Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Soviet Research), Vol. 35, No. 6, 1970.

14. Nigmatulin R.I., "Small Scale Flows and Surface Effects in Hydrodynamics of Multiphase Media" (Melkomaschtabniye Techeniya...), Prikladnaya Matematika i Mechanika (PMM) (Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Soviet Research), Vol. 35, No.3, 1971.

15. Nigmatulin R.I., and Vainshtein P.B., "Combustion of Gas and Particles Mixtures" (Goreniye Smesey Gaza...), Prikladnaya Mechanika i Tekhnicheskaya Fizika (PMTF) (Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, Soviet Research), No. 4, 1971.

16. Grigorian S.S., Kozorezov A.I., Nigmatulin R.I., Skugorova N.F., and Kholin N.N., "Non-Steady Shock Waves in Metals with Phase Transitions and Hardening by Explosion", Astronautica Acta, Vol. 17, No. 4, 5, pp. 405-419, 1972.

17. Nigmatulin R.I., Ivandaev A.I., "On Elementary Theory of Critical (Maximum) Flow Rates of Two-Phase Mixtures" (K Elementarnoy Teorii..), Teplofizika Visokikh Temperatur (TVT) (Thermophysics of High Temperatures, Soviet Research), Vol. 10, 5, 1972.

18. Nigmatulin R.I., and Vainshtein P.B., "Flame Propagation in Gas-Particles Mixtures" (Rasprostraneniye Plameni...), Combustion and Explosion. Proceeding of III All-Union Symposium on Combustion and Explosion, "Nauka", 1972.

19. Nigmatulin R.I., and Kholin N.N., "Delay of Plasticity and Hardening During Velocity Deformation of Metals" (Zapazdivaniye Tekuchesti...), DAN SSSR (USSR Academy of Sciences Doklady), Vol. 209, No.1, 1973.

20. Nigmatulin R.I., and Vainshtein P.B., "On Theory of Flame Propagation in Gas-Drop Mixture" (K Teorii Rasprostraneniya..) Prikladnaya Mechanika i Tekhnicheskaya Fizika (PMTF) (Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, Soviet Research), No.4, 1973.

21. Nigmatulin R.I., Khabeev N.S., and Shagapov B.S., "On Shock Wave in a Liquid with Gas Bubbles" (Ob Udarnikh Volnakh...) DAN SSSR (USSR Academy of Sciences Doklady), Vol. 214, No. 4, 1974.

22. Nigmatulin R.I., Kholin N.N., "On the Model of Elastic Plastic Medium with Dislocation Kinetics of Plastic Deformation" (K Modeli Uprugo Plasticheskoy...), Mekhanika Tvyordikh Tel (MTT) (Mechanics of Solids, Soviet Research), No.4, 1974.

23. Nigmatulin R.I., Khabeev N.S., "Heat Transfer of Gas Bubbles in Liquid" (Teploobmen Gazovikh...), Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza (MZG) (Fluid Dynamics, Soviet Research), No.4, 1974.

24. Nigmatulin R.I., and Shagapov V.S., "The Structure of Shock Waves in Liquid with Gas Bubbles" (Struktura Udarnikh...), Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza (MZG) (Fluid Dynamics, Soviet Research), No. 6, 1974.

25. Nigmatulin R.I., and Vainshtein P.B., "Heterogeneous Combustion of Gas-Particles or Gas-Droplets Mixtures" (Geterogennoye Goreniye...), Izbraniye Problemi Pricladnoy Mekhaniki, VINITI, Moscow, 1974.

26. Dorokhov I.N., Kafarov V.V., and Nigmatulin R.I., "Continuum Mechanics Methods for a Description of Multiphase Multicomponent Mixtures with Chemical Reactions and Heat and Mass Transfer" (Metodi Mekhaniki...), Prikladnaya Matematika i Mechanika (PMM) (Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Soviet Research), Vol.39, No.3, 1975.

27. Nigmatulin R.I., and Khabeev N.S., "Dynamics of Vapour Bubbles" (Dinamika Parovikh...), Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza (MZG) (Fluid Dynamics, Soviet Research), No.3, 1975.

28. Nigmatulin R.I., Tubashev L.K., Vainshtein P.B., "Spreading the flame over semi-closed tube, partially filled with oxigen-contained material" (Rasprostranenie plameni...), Proc. of conf. on Problemi gorenia u tushenia pojarov, Moscow, 1975.

29. Gubaidullin A.A., Ivandaev A.I., and Nigmatulin R.I., "Non-Steady Waves in Liquid with Gas Bubbles" (Nestatsionarniye Volni...), DAN SSSR (USSR Academy of Sciences Doklady), Vol. 226, No.6, 1970).

30. Nigmatulin R.I., Ivandaev A.I., and Gubaidullin A.A., "Numerical Modelling of Wave Process in Two-Phase Dispersed Media" (Chislennoye Modelirovaniye Volnovikh...), Proc. of III All-Union Seminar on Continuum Mechanics Models, Novosibirsk, 1976.

31. Nigmatulin R.I., Vainshtein P.B., Kholin N.N., Akhmadeev N.K., and Myasnikov M.P., "Numerical Modelling of Physical and Chemical Process and Shock Wave Propagation in Solids and Composite Materials" (Tchislennoye Modelirovaniye...), Tchislen. Metodi Mekhaniki Sploshnoy Sredi, Vol. 72, Novosibirsk, 1976)

32. Nigmatulin R.I., and Kholin N.N., "Dislocation Kinetics of Superplasticity and Creeping of Metals (Dislokatsionnaya Kinetika...), DAN SSSR (USSR Academy of Sciences Doklady), Vol. 231, No.2, 1976.

33. Gubaidullin A.A., Ivandaev A.I., and Nigmatulin R.I., "Some Results of Numerical Investigation of Non-Steady Waves in Gas Suspensions" (Nekotoriye Resultati...), Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza (MZG) (Fluid Dynamics, Soviet Research), No.5, 1976.

34. Akhmadeev A.A., and Nigmatulin R.I., "Shock Waves and Phase Transformations in Iron" (Udarniye Volni i Fazoviye...), Prikladnaya Mechanika i Tekhnicheskaya Fizika (PMTF) (Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, Soviet Research), No.3, 1976.

35. Nigmatulin R.I., and Khabeev N.S., "Dynamics of Gas-Vapour Bubbles" (Dinamika Parogazovikh...), Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza (MZG) (Fluid Dynamics, Soviet Research), No.6, 1976.

36. Gubaidullin A.A., Ivandaev A.I., Nigmatulin R.I., Nigmatulin B.I., Rakhmatulina I.Kh., Khabeev N.S., "The Influence of Heat and Mass Transfer on the Process of Non-Steady Flowing of Boiling Water" (Vliyaniye Mezfaznogo...), Proc of V All-Union Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 3, part III, Minsk, 1976.

37. Dorokhov I.N., Kafarov V.V., and Nigmatulin R.I., "General Equation of Multi-Phase and Multi-Component Systems with Chemical Reactions and Heat and Mass Transfer" (Obsheye Uravneniye...), Teoreticheskiye Osnovi Khimicheskoy Tekhnologii (TOKhT),(Theory of Chemical Technology, Soviet Research), No.2, 1977.

38. Dorokhov I.N., Kafarov V.V., and Nigmatulin R.I., "Thermodynamic Analysis of Two-Phase Dispersed Systems with Chemical Reactions, Heat and Mass Transfer" (Teoreticheskiy Analiz...), Teoreticheskiye Osnovi Khimicheskoy Tekhnologii (TOKhT, Theory of Chemical Technology, Soviet Research), No.3, 1977).

39. Borisov A.A., Gel'fand B.E., Gubaidullin A.A., Gubin S.A., Gubanov A.V., Ivandaev A.I., Filin N.V., Nigmatulin R.I., Khabeev N.S., and Timofeev E.I., "Shock Waves Amplification in a Liquid with Vapour Bubbles" (usileniye Udarnikh...), Non-Linear Wave Process in Two-Phase Media. Proceedings of XX Siberian Seminar on Thermophysics (ed. by S.S. Kutateladze), Novosibirsk, 1977.

40. Ivandaev A.I., Nigmatulin B.I., Nigmatulin R.I., and Milashenko V.I., "Non-Steady Wave Process in Gas-Vapour-Liquid Mixtures" (Nestatsionarniye Volnoviye...), Proceedings of XX Siberian Seminar on Thermophysics (ed. by S.S. Kutateladze), Novosibirsk, 1977.

41. Nigmatulin R.I., "Averaging on matyematical simulation of multiphase and, in particular, dispersed mixtures", (Osrednenie pri matematicheskom modelirovanii...), Aerogasodinamika i phozicheskaia kinetika, ed. by N.N. Yanenko), Novosibirsk, 1977.

42. Nigmatulin R.I., Vainshtein P.B., Akhatov I.S., and Pizh V.A., "The Structure of Detonation Waves in Two-Phase Dispersed Systems" (Struktura Detonatsionnikh...), Chem. Physics of Combustion and Explosion. Detonation, Tchernogolovka, 1977.

43. Gubaidullin A.A., Ivandaev A.I., Nigmatulin R.I., "The Modified Method of "Big" Particles for the Equation of Wave Process in Multiphase Dispersed Medium" (Modifitsirovanniy Metod...), ZVM & MF (Computational Mathematics & Mathematical Physics, Soviet Research), Vol.17, No.6, 1977.

44. Gel'fand B.E., Gubin S.A., Nigmatulin R.I., "The Influence of Gas Density on Fracture of Bubbles by Shock Waves" (Vliyaniye Plotnosti...), DAN SSSR (USSR Academy of Sciences Doklady), Vol. 235, No.2, 1977.

45. Nigmatulin R.I., Shagiev R.G., Shagapov V.S., Valyavin G.G., Friazimov V.V., and Nigmatulin B.I., "Mathematical Modelling in Hydraulic Approximation of Gas-Liquid Flow with Chemical Reactions and Analysis of Crude Oil Heating in Pipe Furnace" (Matematicheskoye Modelirovaniye...), DAN SSSR (USSR Academy of Sciences Doklady), Vol. 237, No.6, 1977.

46. Nigmatulin R.I., Ivandaev A.I., "Non-steady waves in dispersed media", Proceedings of III National Symposium "Theoretical and Applied Mechanics", Vol. 71, Sofia, (1977).

47. Nigmatulin R.I., and Rakhmatulina I.K., "Non-Steady Heat and Mass Transfer Around Spherical Particles" (Nestatsionarniy teplomassoobmen...), Prikladnaya Mechanika i Tekhnicheskaya Fizika (PMTF) (Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, Soviet Research), No.4, 1977.

48. Nigmatulin R.I., Nigmatulin B.I., and Rakhmatulin K.A., "Hydrodynamics and Heat Transfer of Gas and Vapour Liquid Flows in Channels" (Gidrodinamika i Teploobmen..), In: Mechanics of Multicomponent Media in Tecnology (ed. by V.V.Struminsky), Moscow, "Nauka", (1978).

49. Nigmatulin R.I., and Khabeev N.S., "Dynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer in Vapour-Gas Bubbles with Liquid" (Dinamika i Teplomassoobmen...), In: Some Problems of Continua Mechanics (ed. by S.S. Grigorian), Institute of Mechanics , Lomonosov University of Moscow, 1978.

50. Gubaidullin A.A., Ivandaev A.I., Nigmatulin R.I., "Investigation of Non-Steady Shock Waves in Gas-Liquid Mixtures with Bubble Structure" (Issledovaniye Nestatsionarnikh...), Prikladnaya Mechanika i Tekhnicheskaya Fizika (PMTF) (Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, Soviet Research), No.2, 1978.

51. Nigmatulin R.I., "Averaging in mathematical modelling of heterogeneous and dispersed mixtures", Proceeding of Int. Center for Heat and Mass Transfer Symposium, Ed. N. Afgan et al., Hemisphere, Yugoslavia, 1977.

52. Nigmatulin R.I., and Kholin N.N., "Dislocation Theory Rate Dependent Deformation of Metals", Proc. of IUTAM Symposium on High Velocity Deformation of Solids (ed. K. Kawata and J. Shiori), Tokyo Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New-York, (1978).

53. Akhmadeev N.K., Nigmatulin R.I., and Kholin N.N., "Physical and Chemical Processes in Solids during Explosion Loading" (Fiziko-Khimicheskiye Protsessi...), Proc of II All-Union Symposium on Non-Linear Wave of Deformation, Tallin, 1978.

54. Kuliev M.Y., Nigmatulin R.I., Surguchev M.L., Khabeev N.S., Shevtsov V.A., "Application of Method of Multiphase Media Mechanics for Mathematical Modelling of Oil Displacement with Micellaric Solutions" (Primenenie Metodov...), Izv. AN Uz.SSR Tekhn. Tashkent, Fan, No.2, 1979.

55. Nagiev F.B., Nigmatulin R.I., Khabeev N.S., "Heat Transfer of a Breaking Down and Condensing Bubble" (Teploobmen Rasschiryayushegosya...), Proc. of XXI Siberian Seminar on Thermophysics, Novosibirsk, 1979.

56. Nigmatulin R.I., "Spatial Averaging in the Mechanics of Heterogeneous and Dispersed Systems", International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol.5, No.5, 1979.

57. Nigmatulin R.I., and Vainshtein P.B., "On Homobaric (with Homogeneous Pressure) Gas Suspensions Flow with Physical and Chemical Transformations" (O Gomobaricheskikh...), DAN SSSR (USSR Academy of Sciences Doklady), Vol. 249, No.2, 1979.

58. Nagiev F.B., Nigmatulin R.I., Khabeev N.S., "Breaking down of Gas Bubbles and Wave Amplification in a Liquid with Vapour Bubbles" (Razrusheniye Parovikh...), In: Gas and Wave Dynamics, No. 3, Lomonosov State University of Moscow, Moscow, 1979.

59. Nigmatulin R.I., Nagiev F.B., Khabeev N.S., The effective coefficients on heat-exchange of the bubbles, pulsing in fluid", (Effectivnye koefficienty...), Proc. of VII All-Union Conf. on Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 5, Minsk, 1980.

60. Nigmatulin R.I., "Comments to "Short Note on the Space Averaging in Continuum Mechanics", International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 6, 1980.

61. Nigmatulin R.I., Popov V.V., and Vainshtein P.B., "The Transition of Convective Combustion of Unitary Fuel Air-Suspensions in Detonation" (Perekhod Konvektivnogo...), Fizika Gorenia I Vzryva (FGV, Physics and Combustion and Explosion, Soviet Research), No.5, 1980.

62. Nigmatulin R.I., Surguchev M.L., Fedorov K.M., Khabeev N.S., and Shevtsov V.A., "Mathematical Modelling of Micellar Polymer Water Flooding" (Matematicheskoye Modelirovaniye...), DAN SSSR (USSR Academy of Sciences Doklady), Vol. 225, No.1, 1980.

63. Nigmatulin R.I., Khabeev N.S., "Decrement of Oscillation Damping and Effective Coefficients of Heat Transfer of the Bubbles Radially Pulsating in Liquid" (Dekrementi Zatukhaniya...), Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza (MZG, Fluid Dynamics, Soviet Research), No.6, 1980.

64. Nigmatulin R.I., "Effects of Waves Propagation in Bubble Media and their Mathematical Description" (Effekti i ikh...), In: Some Problems of Mechanics, Part 1, Lomonosov State University of Moscow, Moscow, 1981.

65. Akhmadeev N.K., and Nigmatulin R.I., "Modelling of Splitting at Shock Deformation. The Analysis of the Instant Splitting Scheme" (Modelirovaniye Otkolnogo...), Prikladnaya Mechanika i Tekhnicheskaya Fizika (PMTF, Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, Soviet Research), No.3, 1981.

66. Nigmatulin R.I., Popov V.V., Rakhmatulin K.A., and Vainshtein P.B., "Non-Stationary Problems of Unitary Fuel Air-Suspensions Combustion" (Nestatsionarniye Zadachi...), Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza (MZG, Fluid Dynamics, Soviet Research), No.1, 1981.

67. Akhatov I.S., Nigmatulin R.I., and Vainshtein P.B., "The Structure of Deformation Waves in Gas Suspensions of Unitary Fuel" (Struktura Detonatsionnikh...), Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza (MZG, Fluid Dynamics, Soviet Research), No.5, 1981.

68. Nigmatulin R.I., Shagapov V.S., and Shagiev R.G., "Mathematical Modelling of Gas Liquid in Chemical Technology Plants" (Matematicheskoye Modelirovaniye...). In: Aerodynamics in Tecnology, ed. V.V. Struminsky, "Nauka", 1981.

69. Davydov Y.M., and Nigmatulin R.I., "A Calculation of External Flow Around Solids by Heterogeneous Flow of Gas with Droplets and Particles" (Raschet Vneshnego Obtekaniya...), DAN SSSR (USSR Academy of Sciences Doklady), Vol. 259, No.1, 1981.

70. Nigmatulin R.I., Vainstein P.B., Malinin S.E., Khudiakov V.K. "The special subject", (Spetstema), Spetssbornik, 1981.

71. Khabeev N.S., Nagiev F.B., Nigmatulin R.I., "Dynamics heat and mass transfer of vapour-gas bubbles in a liquid", Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 24, No.6, 1981.

72. Nigmatulin R.I., Fedorov K.M., Khabeev N.S., Shevtsov V.A., and Surguchev M.L., "Mathematical Model of Micellar and Polymeric Water Flooding" (Matematicheskaya Model...), In: Dynamics of Multiphase Media (ed. N.N. Yanenko), Novosibirsk, 1981.

73. Nigmatulin R.I., Shagapov V.S., Shikhmurzaeva Z., Vakhitova N.K., "On Shock Waves in a Liquid with Vapour Bubbles" (Ob Udarnikh Volnakh...), IFZ (Physical Engineering Journal, Soviet Research), Vol. 42, No.2, 1982.

74. Nigmatulin R.I., "Mathematical Modelling of Bubbly Liquid Motion and Hydrodynamics Effects in Wave Propagation Phenomenon", Applied Scientific Research. An International Journal of Thermal, Mechanical and Electromagnetic Phenomena in Continua, Vol. 38, 1982.

75. Ivandaev A.I., Kutushev A.G., and Nigmatulin R.I., "Numerical Investigation of Dispersed Particles or Droplets Cloud Scattering under the Action of Explosion" (Tchislennoye Issledovaniye...), Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza (MZG, Fluid Dynamics, Soviet Research), No.1, 1982.

76. Borisov A.A., Gel'fand B.E., Nigmatulin R.I., Rakhmatulin K.A., and Timofeev, E.T., "Shock Wave Amplification in Liquids with Vapour or Dissolving Gas Bubbles", DAN SSSR (USSR Academy of Sciences Doklady), Vol. 263, No.3, 1982.

77. Klebanov L.A., Kroshilin A.E., Nigmatulin B.I., and Nigmatulin R.I., "On Hyperbolicity, Stability and Correctness of Cauchy Problem for the Equations System of Two-Velocity Movement of Two-Phase Media", (O Giperbolichnosti Ustoychivosti...), Prikladnaya Matematika i Mechanika (PMM, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Soviet Research), Vol. 46, 1982.

78. Zuong Ngok Khai, Khabeev N.S., and Nigmatulin R.I., "The Structure of Shock Waves in a Liquid with Vapour Bubbles", (Struktura Udarnikh Voln...), Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza (MZG, Fluid Dynamics, Soviet Research), No.2, 1982.

79. Akhmadeev I.K., and Nigmatulin R.I., "Dynamic Spall Fracturing in Rarefaction Waves" (Dinamicheskoye Otkolnoye...), DAN SSSR (USSR Academy of Sciences Doklady), Vol. 66, No.5, 1982.

80. Nigmatulin R.I., Popov V.V., and Vainshtein P.B., "On One Method of Non-Stationary Air-Suspensions Flow Calculations in the Presence of Heterogeneous Chemical Reactions" (Ob Odnom Metode...), ZVM & MF (Computational Mathematics & Mathematical Physics, Soviet Research), No.3, 1982.

81. Fedorov K.M., Khabeev N.S., and Nigmatulin R.I., "Mathematical Modelling of Micellar Polymeric Oil Displacement out of Flooded Strata" (Matematicheskoye Modelirovaniye...), Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza (MZG, Fluid Dynamics, Soviet Research), No.6, 1982.

82. Fedorov K.M., Khabeev N.S., Nigmatulin R.I., Shevtsov V.A., and Surguchev M.L., "The Analysis of Micellar-Polymeric Water-Flooding of Oil Strata" (Analiz Mitselyarno-Polimernogo...), Neftepromishlennost (Oil Industry), Information Edition, Ser. "Neftepromishlennoye Delo", No.20, (44), 1982.

83. Kholin N.N., and Nigmatulin R.I., "Dynamics Deformation of Metals" (Skorostnaya Deformatsiya...), Mekhanika Tvyordikh Tel (MTT, Mechanics of Solids, Soviet Research), No.5, 1982.

84. Akhmetov A.T., Nigmatulin R.I., Fedorov K.M., Khabeev N.S., Physical mechanism of oil displacement out of porous medium by micellar water-flooding, (Phizicheski mekhanizm...), In: On Development Problems of West Siberian Fuel and Power Industry, Ufa, 1982.

85. Akhatov I.S., Nigmatulin R.I., and Vainshtein P.B., Non-Stationary Regimes of a Porous Powdered Fuel Convective Combustion (Nestatsionarniye Rezimi...), DAN SSSR (USSR Academy of Sciences Doklady), Vol.271, No.5, 1983.

86. Akhatov I.S., Nigmatulin R.I., and Vainshtein P.B., The Transition of Powdered Explosives Convective Combustion to Detonation (Perekhod Konvektivnogo...), FGV (Physics and Combustion and Explosion, Soviet Research), No.5, 1983.

87. Nigmatulin R.I., Pizh V.A., Simonenko I.D., The Effect of Anomalous Oscillations with Intensive Pressure Splashes in a Shock Wave Propagating in Water Suspension of Bentonite (Effect Anomalnikh Kolebaniy...), Modern problems of Universities (Sovremennye problemy VUZov, Neft i Gas), No.11, 1983.

88. Gumerov N.A., Ivandaev A.I., and Nigmatulin R.I., Dispersion and Dissipation of Acoustic Waves in Gas Suspensions (Dispersiya i Dissipatsiya...), DAN SSSR (USSR Academy of Sciences Doklady), Vol. 272, No.3, 1983.

89. Nigmatulin R.I., Amplification and Attenuation of Shock Pulses in Gas and Vapour-Liquid Flow, Proceedings of XX IAHR Congress, Subject C, Vol.4, Moscow, 1983.

90. Akhatov I.S., Nigmatulin R.I., and Vainshtein P.B., Convective Combustion of Porous Powder Systems (Konvektivnoye Goreniye...), Problems of the Modern Mechanics (ed. by L.I. Sedov), 1983.

91. Nigmatulin R.I., Amplification and attenuation of shock pulses in gas- and vapours-liquid flows, (Usilenie i zatukhanie...), Modern problems for the theory of the heat exchange and physical hydrodynamics (ed. by V.E. Nakoryakov and M.F. Jukov), Novosibirsk, 1984.

92. Fedorov K.M., Khabeev N.S., and Nigmatulin R.I., "Micellar-Polymer Water Flooding Under the Conditions of Stratum Heterogeneity" (Mitselyarno-Polimernoye...), Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza (MZG) (Fluid Dynamics, Soviet Research), No.2, 1984.

93. Afgan N.K., Khabeev N.S., and Nigmatulin R.I., Heat and Mass Transfer and Dynamics of a Vapour Bubble in Binary Mixtures (Teplomassoobmen i Dinamika...), Proceeding of VII All-Union Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer, Minsk, 1984.

94. Zuong Ngok Hai, Khabeev N.S., Nigmatulin R.I., Non-Stationary Waves in a Liquid with bubbles (Nestatsionarniye Volni...), Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza (MZG) (Fluid Dynamics, Soviet Research), No.5, 1984.

95. Mirzadzanzade A.K., Nigmatulin R.I., Pizh V.A., On Anomalous Pressure Rise at Shock Loading of Bentonite Water Suspensions (Ob Anomalnom Povishenii...), DAN SSSR (USSR Academy of Sciences Doklady), Vol. 278, No.8, 1984.

96. Akhmadeev A.K., Akhmetova N.A., Nigmatulin R.I., The Structure of Shock Wave with Phase Transition in Iron near a Free Surface (Struktura Udarno-Volnovikh...), Prikladnaya Mechanika i Tekhnicheskaya Fizika (PMTF) (Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, Soviet Research), No.6, 1984.

97. Vainshtein P.B., Librovich V.V., Makhviladze G.M., Melikhov O.I., Nigmatulin R.I. Non-Stationary Combustion Regimes in Dispersed Systems (Nestatsionarniye Rezhimi...), Advanced in Mechanics, Vol. 7, No.4, 1984.

98. Morgunov Y.A., Nigmatulin R.I., Vainshtein P.B. "A Plane Problem of Unitary Fuel Air-Suspensions Combustion in a Closed Sphere" (Ploskaya Zadacha...), PMTF (Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, Soviet Research), No.7, 1985.

99. Nigmatulin R.I., Pizh V.A. Shock Wave Amplification in Clay Suspensions (Usilenie Udarnikh Voln...), DAN SSSR (USSR Academy of Sciences Doklady), Vol. 286, No.1, 1986.

100. Kravchenko M.N., Nigmatulin R.I. "Investigation of Graphite Shock Compression with Polymorphous Transformation" (Issledovaniye Osobennostey...), Detonation and Shock Waves. Proceedings of VII All-Union Symposium on Combustion and Explosion, Tchernogolovka, 1986.

101. Nigmatulin R.I. "Problems of Heterogeneous Media Dynamics" (Problemi Dinamiki Geterogennikh...), VI All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Tashkent, 1986.

102. Nigmatulin R.I., Kutushev A.G., Ivandaev A.I., Mathematical simulation of process of interaction with rigid walls of shock waves in gas-particle suspensions (Matematicheskoe modelirovanie...), Physics and Chemistry of Material Science (Phizika i himia obrabotki materialov), No.2, 1986.

103. Akhmetov A.T., Fedorov K.M., Nigmatulin R.I. On Multiphase Filtration Flow in Porous Media (O Mnogofaznikh Filtratsionnikh...), in On Filtration Theory and Oil Recovery Problems (Ed. by P.Y. Kotchina and V.M. Entov), Moscow, Nauka, 1987.

104. Zuong Ngok Khai, Kutushev A.G., Nigmatulin R.I. On the Theory of Liquid Filtration in a Porous Medium at Volume Heating by High-Frequency Electromagnetic Field, PMM (Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Soviet Research), Vol. 51, No.2, 1987.

105. Akhmetov A.T., Fedorov K.M., Nigmatulin R.I. On Mechanism of Oil Displacement out of Porous Media by Micellar Solutions (O Mekhanizme Vitesneniya...), DAN SSSR (USSR Academy of Sciences Doklady), Vol. 293, No.3, 1987.

106. Nigmatulin R.I. "Attenuation and Amplification of Shock Wave Pulses in Bubbly Liquids" (Zatukhaniye i Usileniye...), Problems of Non-Linear Acoustics, XI International Symposium on Non-Linear Acoustics, Novosibirsk, 1987.

107. Morgunov Y.A., Nigmatulin R.I., Vainshtein P.B. "Convective Combustion of Gas Suspensions in Bounded Volumes", Archivum Combustion, Vol. 7, 1987.

108. Nigmatulin R.I., Musaev N.D., Zuong Ngok Khai Similar solutions of problem of heat-and mass transfer in saturated porous media with volume source of heat, (Avtomodelirovanie reshenia...), Prikladnaya Matematika i Mechanika (PMM) (Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Soviet Research), (PMM). Vol. 51, No.6, 1987.

109. Musaev N.D., Nigmatulin R.I., Dynamics of non-stationary two-phase flow, Transient Phenomena in Multiphase Flow. Ed. N. Afgan, Hemisphere, 1988.

110. Zuong Ngok Hai, Khabeev N.S., Nigmatulin R.I. "Waves in Liquid with Vapour Bubbles", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 186, 1988.

111. Gumerov N.A., Ivandaev A.I., and Nigmatulin R.I., Sound Waves in Monodispersed Gas-Particle or Vapour-Droplet Mixtures, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 193, 1988.

112. Akhmetova N.A., Nigmatulin R.I., Numerical investigation of shock-wave flow, initiated under momentum radiation in metal, (Chislennoie ussledovanie...), Prikladnaya Mechanika i Tekhnicheskaya Fizika (PMTF) (Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, Soviet Research), Vol. 5, 1988.

113. Akhmetov A.T., Azamatov A.Sh., Gubaidullin A.A., Mikhailov E.N., Nigmatulin R.I., Anomalous enhancement of shock waves in non-newtonian liquids, Anomalnoie usilenie...), Proceedings of IV All Union Conference On Detonation, Vol. 2, 1988.

114. Khabeev N.S., Nigmatulin R.I., and Shagapov V.S., Acoustics of Boiling Solutions, (Akustika Kipyashikh Rastvorov), IFZ (Engineering and Physics Journal, Soviet Research), Vol. 56, No.5, 1989.

115. Nigmatulin R.I., Shagapov V.S., and Vakhitova N.K., Influence of Compressibility of Carrying Phase on Wave Propagation in Bubbly Liquids, DAN SSSR, (USSR Academy of Sciences Doklady), Vol. 304, N.5, 1989.

116. Nigmatulin R.I., Khabeev N.S., Shagapov V.S., Effect of Anomalous Influence of Component Composition on Acoustics of Boiling Solutions", DAN SSSR, (USSR Academy of Sciences Doklady), Vol. 304, N.6, 1989.

117. Nigmatulin R.I., Gumerov N.A., and Kutushev A.G., Some Peculiarities of Dust Particle Influence on the Interaction Shock Wave with Obstacles in Gas Suspensions, Proceedings of IX All-Union Symposium on Combustion and Explosion, Tchernogolovka, 1989.

118. Nigmatulin R.I., Gubaidullin A.A., Amplification of Shock Waves in Non-equilibrium Gas-Liquid Systems, Proceedings. Non-linear Waves in Active Media (ed. J. Engelbrecht), Springer Verlag, 1989.

119. Nigmatulin R.I., Heat and Mass Transfer in Wave Dynamics of Gas-Liquid Systems, Proceedings IX International Heat Transfer Conference, Jerusalem.-Hemisphere, 1990.

120. Nigmatulin R.I., Filina N.N., Dyachuk M.I., and Kroshilin V.P., Pressure Oscillations in Gas Releasing Systems, Izv. USSR Acad. Sci. - Energetics and Transport), No.2, 1990.

121. Nigmatulin R.I., Soplenkov K.I., Shmal I.I., On the Existence Conditions of Rarefaction Shock Waves in Van der Waals Gas, (Ob Usloviyakh...), Investigations of Substance Properties in Extreme Conditions, (Issledovaniye Svoistv Veschestv...), Ed. by V.E. Fortov, Moscow: IVTAN, 1990.

122. Kislitsin A.A., and Nigmatulin R.I., Numerical Modelling of Heating of Oil Baring Bed by High Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation, PMTF (Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, Soviet Research), No.4, 1990.

123. Kutushev A.G., Nazarov U.A., Nigmatulin R.I., Shock Wave Evolution in Monodispersed Gas-particle Suspensions with Non-homogeneous Mass Concentration of Particles, (Evolutsiya Udarnikh...). In Physical Gas Dynamics of Reactive Media (Fizicheskaya Gazovaya Dinamika..., ed. Yu. Berezin, A. Grishin, Novosibirsk: Nauka 1990.

124. Nigmatulin R.I., Gubaidullin A.A., Fundamentals of Mechanics of Saturated Porous Media: Basic Equations and Waves, Convective Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media, NATO Advanced Study Institute, Kluwer Academic Publ., 1991.

125. Nigmatulin R.I., Fedorov K.M., Theory on inertia free non-stationary flows of multiphase liquids with phase transformations and chemical reactions, Development of gas condensate fields (Proceedings of International conference), Sec. 6, Krasnodar, 1990.

126. Nigmatulin R.I., Fedorov K.M., Zuong Ngok Hai, and Kislitsin A.A., Mechanics, Heat and Mass Transfer in Saturated Porous Media. Application to Petroleum Technology, Convective Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media (ed. S. Kakac, B. Kilkic, F. Kulacki, F. Arnic), NATO ASI Series, Series E: Appl. Sci., Vol. 196.- Kluwer Academic Publ., 1991.

127. Nigmatulin R.I., Gumerov N.A., Zuong Ngok Hai, Transient heat and mass transfer near drops and bubbles, Phase-interface phenomena in multiphase flow (ed. G. Hewitt, F. Mayinger, J. Riznic). - Hemisphere, 1991.

128. Nigmatulin R.I, Ivandaev A.I., Gubaidullin D.A., On the non-monotonic dependence of the dissipation of sound on the concentration of drops in a suspension in gas, Soviet Physics Doklady, Vol. 36, p.p. 68-70, 1991.

129. Zuong Ngok Khai, Nigmatulin R.I., Non stationary one dimension filtration of liquid in saturated porous media with the presence of volume heat source, Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza, Izv. AN SSSR, No 4, Moscow, p.p. 115-124, 1991.

130. Nigmatulin R.I. "Hydraulics and Heat Transfer of Multicomponent Gas-Liquid Mixture with Chemical Reactions and Phase Transitions in Tubular Furnaces", Proceedings of the International Conference on Multiphase Flow. Ed. G. Matsui et al, Tsukuba, 1991.

131. Nigmatulin R.I., Gubaidullin A.A. Linear Waves in Saturated Porous Media, Transport in Porous Media, Vol. 9, No.1, 2, 1992.

132. Nigmatulin R.I. Oil and Gas of Russia, Herald of Russian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 63, No. 7, 1993.

133. Nigmatulin, R.I., On Equations of Dynamics of Bubbly Liquids, in Bubble Dynamics and Interface Phenomena (Ed. J. Blake et al), Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1994.

134. Nigmatulin, R.I., Soplenkov, K.I., Non-Stationary Outflow And Rarefaction Waves in Flashing Liquid, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 151, pp. 131-144, 1994.

135. Nigmatulin, R.I., Lahey, R.T., Drew, D.A., "On the different forms of momentum equations and on intra- and interface interaction in the hydromechanics of a monodispersed mixture", Chemical Engineering Communications, Vols. 141-142, pp. 287-302, 1996.

136. Nigmatulin, R.I., Some Fundamentals and Applications, Paradoxes, and Myths in Mechanics of Multiphase Flow, Proc. of the 2-nd Int. Conf. on Multiphase Flow, Vol. 1 (ed. T. Fukano et al), Kyoto, 1995.

137. Nigmatulin, R.I., Shagapov, V.Sh., Vakhitova, N.K., Lahey, R.T., A method for super-high compression of gas bubble in liquid by non-periodic vibration forcing with moderate amplitude of pressure. Physics-Doklady (Russian Academy of Sciences), Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 122-126, 1995.

138. Nigmatulin, R.I., "Drift flux model as approximation of two fluid model for two phase dispersed and slug flow in tube", Proc. of the 7-th Nuclear Thermo-Hydraulics Conf. (NURETH-7), Vol. 1, 1995.

139. Nigmatulin, R.I., Lahey, R.T., Prospects for bubble fusion, Proc. of the 7-th Nuclear Thermo-Hydraulics Conf. (NURETH-7), Vol. 1, 1995.

140. Nigmatulin, R.I., Nigmatulin, B.I., Khodzaev, Ya.D., Kroshilin, V.E. Entrainment and deposition rates and in a dispersed-film flow, Int. J. of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 19-30, 1996.

141. Nigmatulin, R.I., Gubaidullin, A.A., Akhmetov, A.T., Bekishev, S.A., Mikhaylov, E.N. Experimental and theoretical modelling of the effect of anomalous shock wave amplification in high viscous liquids, Physics-Doklady (Russian Academy of Sciences), Vol. 346, No. 1, pp. 46-49, 1996.

142. Nigmatulin, R.I., Gubaidullin, D.A., Phase transition effects in the acoustic of polydisperse fogs. Physics-Doklady (J. of the Russian Academy of Sciences), Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 101-104, 1996.

143. Nigmatulin, R.I., Akhatov, I.Sh., Vakhitova, N.K. On the liquid compressibility in the dynamics of gas bubble. Physics-Doklady (Russian Academy of Sciences), Vol. 348, No. 6, pp. 768-771, 1996.

144. Lahey, R.T., Nigmatulin, R.I. Bubble fusion reactor technology. Two phase flow dynamics, Proc of Japan/U.S. specialists meeting, Fukuoka, 1996.

145. Nigmatulin, R.I., Akhatov, I.Sh., Vakhitova, N.K., Lahey, R.T. On the theory of supercompression and sonoluminescence of a gas bubble in a liquid-filled flask. Multiphase Flow. Proc. Int. Symp. ISMF'97, Beijing, pp. 50-57, 1997.

146. Nigmatulin, R.I., Akhatov, I.Sh., Vakhitova, N.K., Lahey, R.T. The resonant supercompression and sonoluminescence of a gas bubble in a liquid filled flask, Chem. Eng. Comm., Vol. 168, pp. 145-169, 1998.

147. Nigmatulin, R.I., Shagapov, V.Sh., Syrtlanov, V.R. A self-similar problem for a gas-hydrate decay in porous media due to heating and depression. Prikladnaya Mechanika i Tekhnicheskaya Fizika (PMTF - Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics), 39, No. 3, 111-118, 1998.

148. Nigmatulin, R.I. Acoustics of two-phase fluids and sonoluminescence. Proc. of 16-th Int. Congress on Acoustics and 135-th Meeting Acoustical Society of America (Ed. P. Kuhl & L. Crum), Vol. 4, Seattle, Washington, USA, pp. 2443-45, 1998.

149. Nigmatulin, R.I., Akhatov, I.Sh., Vakhitova, N.K., Lahey, R.T. On the theory of supercompression and sonoluminescence of a gas bubble in a liquid-filled flask. Proc. of 16-th Int. Congress on Acoustics and 135-th Meeting Acoustical Society of America (Ed. P. Kuhl & L. Crum), Vol. 4, Seattle, Washington, USA, pp. 2853-54, 1998.

150. Nigmatulin, R.I., Akhatov, I.Sh., Vakhitova, N.K., Lahey, R.T. Resonant supercompression of bubbles in liquid: hydromechanical, acoustical, thermophysical, and chemical problems. Proc. of 1-st Annual Meeting. Inst. For Multiphase Science and Technology, Santa Barbara, California, USA, pp. IV-3 - 10, 1998.

151. Nigmatulin, R.I., Kazntseva, T.T., Kamaletdinov, M.A., Kazantsev, Yu.V., Physical nature of thermal anomaly of Yangantau mountain on the South Ural, Physics-Doklady (J. Russian Acad. Sci.), 1998, Vol. 362, No. 6, pp. 807-809.

152. Nigmatulin, R.I., Akhatov, I.Sh., Vakhitova, N.K., Lahey, R.T. Hydromechanics, acoustics and transport in sonoluminescence phenomena. Sonochemestry and Sonoluminescence (Ed. L. Crum, T. Mason, J. Reisse, K. Suslick), NATO ASI Series, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dodrecht/Boston/London, pp. 127-138, 1999.

153. Nigmatulin, R.I., Shagapov V.Sh. Nasyrova L.A. «Thermal shock in porous media saturated by gashydrate // Physica-Doclady, Vol. 366, №3. - с.337-340, 1999.

154. Nigmatulin, R.I., Akhatov, I.Sh., Vakhitova, N.K., Lahey, R.T. On the forced oscillations of a small gas bubble in a spherical liquid filled flask, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 414, pp. 47-73, 2000.

155. D. Gubaidullin, Nigmatulin, R.I. On the theory of acoustic waves in polydispersed gas-vapor-droplet suspensions, Int. J. of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 26, pp. 207-228, 2000.

156. Nigmatulin, R.I., Shagapov, V.Sh., Gimaltdinov, I.K., Galimzyanov, M.N., Two-dimensional waves in the liquid with bubbly zones, Physics-Doclady (J. of the Russian Academy of Sciences), Vol. 378, No. 6, pp. 763-765, 2001.

157. Nigmatulin, R.I., Gimaltdinov, I.K., Shagapov, V.Sh., Pressure Wave Evolution in a Fluid with a Bubble Zone, Fluid Dynamics, 36, 3, p.p. 458-466, 2001.

158. Nigmatulin, R.I., Shagapov, V.Sh., Galeeva, G.Ya., Lhuillier, D., Explosive flow of boiling and degassing liquids out of pipes and reservoirs: the influence of wall friction, Int. J. of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 27, pp. 553-560, 2001.

159. R. Taleyarkhan, R., West, C., Cho, J.S., Lahey (Jr.) R.T., Nigmatulin, R.I., Block, R., Evidence for nuclear emissions during acoustic cavitation, Science, Vol. 295, pp. 1868-1873, 8 March 2002.

160. R. Talearkhan, R., West, C., Cho, J.S., Lahey (Jr.) R.T., Nigmatulin, R.I., Block, R., Additional evidence of nuclear emissions during acoustic cavitation, Physical Review E, Vol. 69, p.0361091, March, 2004.

161. Nigmatulin, R.I., R. Taleyarkhan, Lahey (Jr.) R.T., The evidence for nuclear emission during acoustic cavitation revisited. Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol. 218 Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2004.

162. Taleyarkhan, R.P., Lahey R.T. (Jr.), Nigmatulin, R.I., Bubble nuclear fusion technology - status and challenges, Multiphase Science and Technology, Quarterly Vol. 17, Issue 3, p. 191-224, 2005.

163. Akhatov, I.S., Nigmatulin, R.I., Lahey, R.T. (Jr.), The analysis of linear and nonlinear bubble cluster dynamics, Multiphase Science and Technology, Quarterly Vol. 17, Issue 3, p. 225-256, 2005

164. Nigmatulin, R.I., Akhatov, I.Sh., Topolnikov, A.S., Bolotnova, R.Kh., Vakhitova, N.K, Lahey, (Jr.), Taleyarkhan R.P. The Theory of supercompression of vapor bubbles and nano-scale thermonuclear fusion, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 17, 107106, 2005.

165. R. I. Nigmatulin, Nano-scale thermonuclear fusion in imploding vapor bubbles, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 235 2005, 1079-1091.

166. R. P. Taleyarkhan, R. C. Block, R. T. Lahey,Jr., R. I. Nigmatulin, and Y. Xu, Nuclear Emissions During Self-Nucleated Cavitation, Physics Review Letters, 96, 034301, 2006.

167. R. I. Nigmatulin, A. A. Aganin, M. A. Il'gamov, and D. Yu. Toporkov, Distortion of the spherical shape of a vapor cavity in deuterated acetone, Doklady Physics, Vol. 51, №6, 2006 (J. of the Russian Academy of Sciences Doklady Akademii Nauk, Volume 408, Nos. 4-6, pp. 334-338, 2006).

168. Nigmatulin R.I., Sayapova A.R., Mazitova L., "Inter-branch economical balance of Bashkortostan", ECO, No. 3, 2006, pp. 90-105

169. R. Talearkhan, R., West, C., Lahey (Jr.) R.T., Nigmatulin, R.I., Block, R., Y. Xu, Reply on Naranjo comment, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 97, LQK1005, 2006.

170. R. Talearkhan, R., West, C., Lahey (Jr.) R.T., Nigmatulin, R.I., Block, R., Y. Xu, Reply on Lipson comment, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 97, LQK1028, 2006.

171. Lahey R.T. Jr., Taleyarkhan R.P., Nigmatulin R.I., Bubble nuclear fusion technology - status and challenges, Multiphase Science and Technology, 2006.

172. Lahey R.T. Jr., Taleyarkhan R.P., Nigmatulin R.I., Akhatov I.Sh., Sonoluminescence and the search for sonofusion, Advances in Heat Transfer, 2006.

173. Nigmatulin, R.I., Bolotnova, R.Kh. Wide-range equation of state for organic liquids: Acetone as an example // 2007 Doklady Physics Volume 52, Issue 8, August 2007, Pages 442-446 

174. Lahey R.T. Jr., Taleyarkhan R.P., Nigmatulin R.I., Sonofusion technology revisted, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 237, p. 1571-1585, 2007.

175. Nigmatulin R. I. and Bolotnova R. Kh. Wide-Range Equation of State for Water and Steam: Method of Construction // High Temperature. 2008. V 46, № 2.P. 182–193.

176. Nigmatulin R. I., Bolotnova R. Kh. Wide-Range Equation of State for Water and Steam: Calculation Results // High Temperature. 2008. V 46, № 3.P. 325–336.

177. Block, RC; Lahey, RT; Nigmatulin, RI; Taleyarkhan, RP Advances in acoustic inertial confinement bubble nuclear fusion // Abstracts of Papers of The American Chemical Society Volume: 237 Meeting Abstract: 33-ENVR Published: MAR 22 2009  ACS Symposium Series Volume 1029, 20 December 2009, Pages 139-157

178. Nigmatulin R.I., Bolotnova R.K., Vakhitova N.K., Topolnikov A.S., Konovalova S.I., Makhota N.A. AMPLIFICATION OF COMPRESSION WAVES IN CLEAN AND BUBBLY LIQUID // World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. 2009. V. 58, P. 575-580.

179. Nigmatulin R.I., Nigmatulin B.I. Crisis and modernization of Russia – thirteen theorems. Monograph. Preprint. Moscow, 2010 (Electronic version,

180. Egorov A. V.; Nigmatulin R. I.; Rimskii-Korsakov N. A.; et al. Breakup of deep-water methane bubbles // OCEANOLOGY Volume: 50 Issue: 4 Pages: 469-478 AUG 2010

181. Robert Iskanderovich Nigmatulin The ocean: Climate, resources, and natural disasters // Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Volume 80, Number 4, 338-349, DOI: 10.1134/S1019331610040040

182. Nigmatulin R.I., Nigmatulin B.I. Initial theorems of modernization of the Russian economy// In: “Non-economic faces of economy: unknown effect”, ed.: O.T. Bogomolov, M.: INES (Institute of Economic Strategies), 2010, pp.37-61.

183. Aganin, AA; Il'gamov, MA; Nigmatulin, RI; Toporkov, DY Evolution of distortions of the spherical shape of a cavitation bubble in acoustic supercompression, Fluid Dynamics 2010. Volume: 45 Issue: 1 Pages: 50-61. DOI: 10.1134/S0015462810010072

184. Nigmatulin R.I., Nigmatulin B.I. Initial theorems of modernization of the Russian economy in the light of international comparisons// International Economy, 2010, No. 9, pp. 5-15.

185. Sadovnichii, V. A.; Nigmatulin, R. I. Samvel Samvelovich Grigoryan (On his Eightieth Birthday) // PMM JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS Volume: 74 Issue: 3 Pages: 255-266 Published: 2010 DOI: 10.1016/j.jappmathmech.2010.07.001

186. Nigmatulin R., Nigmatulin B. Crisis and modernization of Russia// Our Contemporary, 2010, No.3, p. 190.

187. Nigmatulin R. I. and Bolotnova R. Kh. Wide-Range Equation of State for Water and Steam: Simplified version // High Temperature. 2011. V 49, № 2.

188. Nigmatulin R.I., The collapse of bubbles, supercompression and sonoluminiscence. In: “Selected Problems of Modern Mechanics”, ed.: V.A.Sadovnichy, M.: Publishing House of the Moscow State University, 2011, pp. 157-167.

189. Nigmatulin R.I. Multiscale and multiphase systems// Vestnik (Bulletin) of the N.I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, 2011, Nos. 4-5, pp. 2661-2663.

190. R. I. Nigmatulin Notes on global climate and ocean currents // Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. Volume 48, Number 1, 30-36, DOI: 10.1134/S0001433812010094

191. A. V. Egorov, R. I. Nigmatulin, A. N. Rozhkov, A. M. Sagalevich, E. S.Chernyaev, About transformation of the deep-water methane bubbles into hydrate powder and hydrate foam / Oceanology - April 2012 - Volume 52 - Issue 2 - pp 194-205 DOI: 10.1134/S000143701202004X

192. R. I. Nigmatulin, A. I. Filippov, A. S. Khismatullin, Transcillatory heat transfer in a liquid with gas bubbles / Thermophysics and Aeromechanics – 2012 - Volume 19 - Issue 4 - pp 589-606. DOI: 10.1134/S0869864312040075

193. R. I. Nigmatulin, D. A. Gubaidullin, Yu. V. Fedorov, Sound waves in two-fractional polydisperse bubble liquids / Doklady Physics - November 2012 - Volume 57 - Issue 11 - pp 451-454

194. Nigmatulin R.I. My thirteen Bashkir years/ Vestnik (Bulletin) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2012, Vol. 82, No.2. p.159.

195. Byalko A.V., Nigmatulin R.I., The climate of the Earth (Scientific session of the Physical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 12 April 2011) / Physics Uspekhi – 2012 - Volume 55 - Issue 1 - pp. 103-108

196. Rogov, SM; Alferov, ZI; Golichenko, OG; Ivanov, VV; Chereshnev, VA; Nigmatulin, RI; Aldoshin, SM; Dynkin, AA; Andreev, AF. Intellectual Property As the Country's Valuable Capital / Herald of The Russian Academy of Sciences Volume: 82 Issue: 4 Pages: 278-280 Published: JUL 2012

197. Cotta, RM; Jaluria, Y; Mikhailov, MD; Minkowycz, WJ; Nigmatulin, RI; Padet, J Prof. Sadik Kakac on his 80th birthday / INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER Volume: 55 Issue: 19-20 Pages: 4936-4937 Published: SEP 2012

198. Aganin A.A., Il’gamov M.A., Lahey R.T., Nigmatulin R.I., Taleyarkhan R.P., Toporkov D.Yu. Evolution of perturbations in the spherical shape of a cavitation bubble during its supercompression/ Vestnik (Bulletin) of the Bashkir State University, 2012, Vol. 17, No.3, pp. 1180-1195.

199. Nigmatulin R.I., Gubaidullin D.A., Fedorov Y.V. Acoustic Waves of Different Geometry in Polydisperse Bubble Liquids: Theory and Experiment / Doklady Physics. 2013. Т. 58. № 6. С. 261-265. DOI: 10.1134/S1028335813060128

200. Nigmatulin R.I. To reform is impossible to leave it/ Geology. Izvestia of the Department of Earth Sciences and Natural Resources of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan, 2013, No.19, pp. 5-6.

201. Nigmatulin, R.I. Multiscale and multiphase in physics, oceanology and economics // ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE) Volume 8 C, 2013

202. Nigmatulin R.I., Lahey R.T., Taleyarkhan R.P., West C.D., Block R.C. On thermonuclear processes in cavitation bubbles// Physics-Uspekhi (Advances in Physical Sciences), 2014, Vol. 184, No. 9, pp. 947-960.

203. Nigmatulin, RI; Aganin, AAIl'gamov, MA; Toporkov, DY. Evolution of deviations from the spherical shape of a vapor bubble in supercompression // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics 2014 Volume: 55 Issue: 3 Pages: 444-461 DOI: 10.1134/S0021894414030080

204. Nigmatulin, R. I.; Aganin, A. A.; Toporkov, D. Yu., Il'gamov, M.A. Formation of Convergent Shock Waves in a Bubble upon Its Collapse // Doklady Physics Volume: 59 Issue: 9 Pages: 431-435 Published: SEP 2014 DOI: 10.1134/S1028335814090109

205. Nigmatulin R.I., Aganin A.A., Il’gamov M.A., Toporkov D.Yu. Evolution of perturbations in the spherical shape of a cavitation bubble// Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta (Proceedings of the Kazan University). Physics and Mathematics Series, 2014, Vol. 156, No. 1, pp. 79-108.

206. Nigmatulin R.I. Social parasitism: economy and morality// Materials of the International scientific and public conference “Global social parasitism (the 100th anniversary of the Federal Reserve System of the United States”. Centre of scientific political thought and ideology. Moscow, 2014, pp. 64-67.

207. Nigmatulin, R. I.; Gubaidullin, D. A.; Nikiforov, A. A. Dynamics of pulse waves in bubble liquids: Comparison between theory and experiment // DOKLADY PHYSICS Volume: 59 Issue: 6 Pages: 286-288 Published: JUN 2014 DOI: 10.1134/S1028335814060111

208. Egorov, A.V., Nigmatulin, R.I., Rozhkov, A.N. Transformation of deep-water methane bubbles into hydrate // Geofluids Volume: 14 Issue: 4 Pages: 430-442 Published: NOV 2014 DOI: 10.1111/gfl.12085

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